Theology 1: Introduction to the Human Person and Catholicism
Grade 9
1 credit

This course is designed for both students whose personal comfort in future theology classes would benefit from a systematic presentation of the fundamentals of the Catholic faith as well as those who already have this foundation. The course is designed to help present and convince all students of the truth about the compatibility between faith and reason. The students are introduced both to Catholic anthropology and a study of divine revelation, with special attention to the development of prayer through reading the Sacred Scriptures, as well as deeper and more meaningful participation at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in order to encounter the person of Jesus Christ. This course also introduces the students to the subsequent Theology classes that they will take through an overview of topics such as the sacraments and morality with attention to a reliance on God’s grace as well as the dignity of the human person’s free response to God’s invitation to holiness.
