School Counseling Department

Meet Our Counselors

The School Counseling Department of St. Theodore Guerin High School has two functions – providing Academic, College/Career, and Personal counseling and administering educational services by maintaining and dispensing of schedules, records, transcripts, etc.

Counseling is defined as the process of aiding a student in adjusting to his/her changing self and environment.

Academic Advising – The School Counseling Department will work with the student and parents/guardians in planning out his/her four (4) year high school academic plan. Careful consideration will be made to plan the student’s academic coursework to prepare them for the level of studies they will want to pursue at the college or university of choice.

College/Career Advising – The School Counseling Department will aid students and parents/guardians in making college/career decisions. Students will have regular discussions about colleges and universities, application procedures, research for financial aid, scheduling college visits, college entrance prerequisites, and SAT/ACT test dates, information, and preparation.

Personal Counseling – Any student at Saint Theodore Guerin High School should feel free to consult a Counselor as often as the need arises. Appointments may be made at the School Counseling Office.

The School Counseling Department will make available all latest literature on colleges and universities, the military, as well as job placement and job interviews.

College representatives’ visitations will be arranged through the School Counseling Department, and announcements will be made of such visits.

Announcements concerning college representative visits, scholarships, and any news pertaining to higher education will be distributed bi-monthly to students.

The School Counseling Resource Center is located in the School Counseling Office and is available to all students for college/university research, filling out applications, applying for or researching financial aid/academic scholarships, etc.

The freshmen year is one filled with new discoveries. It is important that students keep an open mind and seek out opportunities to discover the many different options available for them in their college choices. Most importantly, it is a critical year to discover the importance of a solid high school experience as it relates to opportunities and options for college and beyond. This will be done largely through the learning the difference between homework and studying.

The sophomore year is an important one for the students to really push themselves to develop their full God-given potential. Also, it is an important year to develop a comprehensive understanding of your post-secondary options. This is the year to really begin developing and broadening your understanding of college options and choices.

During the junior year it is important for the student to be deeply involved in the discernment process for what they will do with their future. Students should be discerning which colleges will be a “good fit” for them by actively seeking out information on schools and developing a list of schools for which they plan to apply. They also should know their academic standing and how that relates to their college admission chances.

The senior year is where the student gets to deliver all that they have discovered, developed and discerned over the past three years. It is important to have a good sense of what your options are and where you can best achieve your goals. The time, effort and quality of your delivery will have a significant impact on your successes. Enjoy and trust in God to guide you to your next step in your journey.