St. Theodore Guerin High School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, or ancestry in the admission of students.

Priority Placement for Incoming Students (for the 2024-2025 school year)

Students will be assigned a Priority Placement group number for all completed application portfolios prior to the December 1st deadline. Application portfolios are considered complete when all supporting materials are submitted. If the number of applicants exceeds the class capacity, we will start with the first priority group to begin filling the class. New this year, if an entire priority group cannot be accepted, a random-number generator will be used to determine the order of the applicants in that priority group. Applications will continue to be accepted after December 1st on a first-come, first-serve basis until the class is full. Once the class is full, students may be placed on a waiting list.

Group 1 Student who is a Guerin Catholic sibling, legacy, or the child of a Diocese of Lafayette employee.
Group 2 Student who is currently enrolled at a Catholic school within the Diocese of Lafayette
Group 3 Student who is a registered member of a parish within the Diocese of Lafayette
Group 4 Student who is Catholic and lives within the Diocese of Lafayette
Group 5 Student who is non-Catholic and lives within the Diocese of Lafayette
Group 5 Student who is Catholic and lives outside of the Diocese of Lafayette

July 2023