Recommendation Forms
Guerin Catholic requires two Recommendation Forms as part of the application process. At least one recommendation must be from a current 7th or 8th grade teacher in a core academic subject (English, Math, Science, or Social Studies). The other can be submitted from another teacher, coach, club moderator, etc. The electronic forms will be sent from the parent portal to the two people you choose and their completed forms will be returned directly to Guerin Catholic and uploaded into your child’s application portfolio.
1. Log into your online application account on the Parent Portal
2. To the right of your child’s name, click “View Checklist”
3. Scroll to the two recommendations checklist items
4. Click “Send Request” and enter the recommender’s name and email address; click “Send”
5. Repeat for the second recommendation
6. Recommenders will receive a link to the electronic form and instructions to complete and submit the form to Guerin Catholic