Professional Career Internship
Grades 11-12
1 or 2 credits
Prerequisite: Application process, personal transportation

Professional Career Internship is a Career and Technical Education Business and Information Technology course that is designed to provide opportunities for students to explore careers that require additional degrees or certification following high school. The emphasis of the experience is on applying skills developed through instruction and on learning new career competencies at the internship site. The internship is tailored to the
unique needs and interests of the student and is considered a high school capstone experience towards fulfillment of the student’s meaningful future plan. Upon completion of the internship, students will review and revise their career plans. A learning agreement outlines the expectations of all parties: the student, parent, site supervisor/mentor,internship supervisor, and the school. Students participating in these structured experiences will follow class, school, business/organization, state, and federal guidelines. Internships may be paid or unpaid and must include a classroom component (such as a series of seminars, workshops, or class meetings) and regular contact between the student and internship coordinator.