Kathleen (Wannemuehler) Prohaska ’13
Kathleen Prohaska ’13 is Guerin Catholic’s new Alumni Relations Specialist and is excited to be starting this role on the 20th Anniversary of the school’s opening! “With 20 years of tradition to preserve and share, our Alumni base is crucial to the next 20 years of Guerin Catholic’s history,” said Kathleen. “My goal is to empower our alumni to enter into the life of the school more fully and create a legacy.”
Kathleen and her husband Taylor have been married for six years and live in Noblesville with their precious golden retriever, Benny. She is a member of St. Louis de Montfort parish.
My favorite Guerin Catholic teachers and memories . . .
During my time at Guerin Catholic, I loved all of the amazing relationships I built with teachers! Special shout-outs to the teachers who are still at GC today: BWAG, Mrs. Horn, Mrs. Kennedy, Mr. Ross, Mrs. Foerder, P^2, Mrs. Neaman, Mrs. Murphy, Mr. Panusak, Mrs. Stubbs, Mr. Wagoner, Mrs. Reeves, Mr. Adams, Mr. Gallagher, The Mascari’s, Coach Waymouth and of course, Mrs. Niccum, who sponsored my Extended Essay!
My favorite GC memories include competencias con “Los Ganadores” in IB Spanish, driving golf balls into the pond with Mr. Wallace and IB Biology, and jamming to Praise and Worship songs at the end of All-School Mass (and seeing how many encores we could get in before Deacon Rick would send us back to class.)
While at GC, I was involved with . . .
I participated in JV and Varsity Cheerleading during Football and Basketball seasons, as well as competed with the Competition Squad; I held Captain positions in 2010 and 2012. I also was a pole-vaulter for Varsity Track and Field and was a Captain during the 2013 season. I participated in GoldenVoice and Sounds of Providence. I was a Full IB student, and while not a sport, it sure felt like it some days!
After graduating from Guerin Catholic in 2013 . . .
I attended Purdue University where I earned a Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education and Special Ed. I spent five years as a Kindergarten teacher at one of Guerin Catholic’s partner schools, St. Louis de Montfort. In 2022, I said good-bye to my classroom and returned to Guerin Catholic as the Admissions Outreach Specialist. I now serve as the school’s Alumni Relations Specialist and am excited to engage my fellow alumni in the exciting things happening at GC!
My Favorite Saint is . . .
Mother Guerin is my confirmation saint and has been a beautiful intercessor in my life. As a former teacher myself, and a lover of Catholic Education, I must give her a spot at the top of my list! I also have great love for St. Catherine of Sienna, Sts. Benedict and Scholastica as well as St. Mary Magdalene.
You’d be Surprised to Know . . .
I used to be a pole-vaulter when I was in high school, but those who only know me as an adult find that fact surprising. Other honorable mentions include that I served as a sorority president at Purdue, I won Teacher of the Year at St. Louis de Montfort in 2020, and that my initials may or may not be etched into the Great Wall of China (in an approved area, for those concerned…).
In My Free Time . . .
I love to be creative any way I can! I enjoy interior design, gardening and cooking. If anyone needs tomatoes this summer, let me know! I also enjoy traveling as often as I can, and spending time with my parents and two sisters. Any given weekend, you can find me and my sisters in our parents’ kitchen, cooking up a storm and sharing stories from the week. We are very close-knit bunch!
To learn more about Guerin Catholic’s Alumni Relations, please contact Kathleen at kprohaska@guerincatholic.org or at 317-582-0120 x318.