Multi-Disciplinary Courses
Elective Courses
Basic Skills Development
Grades 9-12
1-3 credits (may be repeated)
Prerequisite: Guidance Counselor approval
Basic Skills Development is a multidisciplinary course which provides students continuing opportunities to develop the basic skills that are essential for high school course work achievement including: reading; writing; listening; speaking; note taking; study, organizational, and problem-solving skills; math; test taking skills and communication. Determination of the skills to be emphasized in this course is based on Indiana State proficiencies, school general curriculum plans, and student Individualized Education Programs (IEP). Skills selected for developmental work provide students with the ability to continue to learn in a range of different educational and life situations.
Cadet Teaching Experience
Grades 11-12, 1st & 3rd trimesters only
2 credits (may be repeated)
Prerequisite: Application process, personal transportation
Please note: Student must be available 4th and 5th period combined and use two elective credits
This elective course provides students in grades eleven (11) or twelve (12) organized exploratory teaching experiences in grades kindergarten (K) through grade eight (8). All teaching experiences should be preplanned by the high school Cadet Teaching Experience teacher-trainer and the cooperating teacher(s) who are interested in supervising prospective teachers and providing them with pre-training experiences in one or more classes. This course provides a balance of class work relating to: classroom organization, classroom management, the curriculum and instructional process, observations of teaching, and instructional experiences. Study topics and background reading provide the cadets information concerning the teaching profession and the nature of the cadet teachers’ assignments. Evaluation is based upon the cadet teachers’ cooperation, day-to-day practical performance, and class work including the cadets’ potential ability to teach. The total workload of the Cadet Teaching course is comparable to those for other subjects in the high school curriculum.
Community Service (Teen Leadership Corps)
Grade 11-12
1 credit
Prerequisite: Application process
Community Service is a course that offers students the opportunity to learn and develop through active participation in thoughtfully organized service that is conducted in and meets the needs of the community; is academically challenging; and helps foster civic responsibility. It intentionally explores the relationship between power, privilege, prejudice, oppression and social justice. The course provides meaningful work experience for the student that meets a community need and provides the opportunity for guided critical reflection on class experience.